Conmodo AS has certifications in ISO 9001 for Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001 for Environmental Management Systems. These prestigious certifications reaffirm our commitment to upholding the highest standards in quality and the environment, and they represent a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to deliver premium products and services while minimizing our impact on the environment.

We are now actively engaged in the process of achieving ISO 27001 certification for information security management systems. This initiative reflects our commitment to protecting our customers' data and ensuring we operate at the highest level of information security.

In addition to the ISO standards, we pay special attention to compliance with the Privacy Policy and we implement strict policies in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This ensures that personal data is processed in a safe and responsible manner and that our customers can have full confidence in our privacy practices.

Environmental responsibility is a core component of our business philosophy. Through ISO 14001 certification, we are committed to sustainable business practices that reduce our impact on the environment. We implement green initiatives, optimize resource use and continuously work to minimize our ecological footprint.

By choosing Conmodo AS as your partner, you choose not only quality and safety, but also a company dedicated to preserving the environment and protecting privacy rights. We look forward to continuing our journey towards achieving ISO 27001 certification and continuing to be a trusted partner for our customers with a strong focus on quality, the environment and information security.

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